Monday, October 1, 2007

In the beginning....

I have decided to start this "journal" as a way to express my thoughts and dreams for myself through bellydance. I began my journey in November of 2002, when I took my first bellydance class. My teacher is Clare Smith. I came to my first class that night very nervous and self conscious. I was 7 weeks postpartum and feeling pretty out of shape. It took a couple of classes for me to realize this was something I really wanted to keep up. I came to class every week and began to form my friendships with all the "regulars". We did a couple open houses at the dance studio and it was alot of fun.

I don't know when it happened, but at some point I realized I wanted more, much more. So not only did I come to class, but I really began to practice on my own. Through DVD's and just drilling myself on techniques and practicing what we learned in class.

I finally built up the courage to do my first solo after 2 years. It was at a Hafla put on by Belly Revelations. I did about 4 group dances and then my solo at the very end right as they were finishing up. I new if I didn't go out there and do it, then I never would.

It opened up everything for me. I still continue to work hard and try to dance a little every day. I have a ton of DVD's I need to work on, but am having more fun now just developing my own style.

I am obsessed with learning as much as I can. I am currently taking classes with three different can never learn too much.

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